Her role as Miss Moneypenny in the lamentable James Bond spoof CASINO ROYALE may have set hearts a flutter, but it was for her part in classic Italian shockers like BLACK BELLY OF THE TARANTULA and DON’T TORTURE A DUCKLING that cemented Barbara Bouchet’s status as one of the most libidinous icons of Euro-cult cinema. Happily, Silvio Amadio’s saucy thriller AMUCK! fits snugly into this giallo-centric category too, and here Bouchet stars as Greta; a nubile young secretary under the recent employment of the cravat-wearing Richard (Farley Granger – ROPE). Partial to the occasional bout of swinging along with his wanton wife Eleanora (Rosalba Neri – SLAUGHTER HOTEL), Richard also seems to harbour a dark secret: the mysterious whereabouts of his missing former assistant, Sally, whom Greta knows very intimately indeed…Blu-ray comes with extra features.